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Seabreeze blue chairs tucked under white-clothed tables, fluttering in night ocean wind. Starry skies cresting glittery town, warmly nestled in embrace of mountain arm steady, holding off crashing waves that gentle into foamy rollings over dusk-dark sand. Hake and calamari plate, a Strand staple and Cape Town favorite. Sitting in ivory tower penthouse overlooking oceanfront view, am spoiled by missionary homestays. Heartfelt hospitality touches make past corporate exec suites seem like stale cold storage boxes. Ruminating over vinegared chips, capturing first impressions. Find am callow ignorant, stumbling into faith traditions great and long.

In few short days, in-depth peek at country once segregated by harsh lines apartheid — apart, by human hands and attributed to god. Yet He conquers the militant –pew warmers armed with fear, in fear, voting for self and known, sound familiar?– with the Truth of Love. A generation of Christians who rose in unison across decades to act out against injustice. Defiance, that can only be told in the personal. Heroism found in the faithful, like the law-breaking little old grandma, who took new friends into her home, bible studies, and heart, against the laws of her land that preached separation and dehumanization. And passed that heritage through to granddaughter disciple, who boldly crossed township lines, extending friendship and receiving friendship sharing one spirit in Christ, racial petty laws be damned.
The seeds of love sown leave a legacy that grow verdant Life where once were scars and walls. Am humbled by the stories and hearts have met. Against great giants of iniquity, arise a heritage of families willing to stand against poverty, corruption. Businesses building bridges across the economic divide, leveraging the power of revenue to become vehicles of prosperity, brotherhood, hope. Hospitality, a weapon of care and nurture that penetrate inner walls to cure the disease of separateness in patient hearts. Employees mentored to become owners. Bosses who must be just as much fathers as coaches to careerpath their hired flocks into life abundant. Rich guests, sequestered by wealth, diamond solitaires confining hearts solitary – these who are poorest in spirit ministered to richly by maids and bellboys, the true royalty at nation’s premier hotel. Concierge, to the soul.
Sojourning into a history and culture, to find that nothing is simply black and white, right and wrong. Rather, where fear confused and divided, love strengthened, forgiveness heals, peacemakers rebuild. I find Spirit presence and prophetic, in South Africa so strong that it is ordinary, making the complacency of my normal christian struggles back home seem like yoga-flavored candles when compared against Cape Town mountain wildfires.
May your Spirit burn yet brighter, beautiful land of protea.




Think God doesn’t understand your financial burdens and responsibilities? Think again.

I recently met this amazing couple at a Rep intercessory dinner. Their story of miraculous providence in their careers and lives is simply jaw-dropping.
Huey & Cac: Testimony in Their Own Words
We were recently saved when we heard the Lord say He is releasing Huey from the company where Huey was working at the time. Huey obeyed the Lord and quit his work. This was during a critical time in the job market. The economy was crumbling and companies had ceased hiring, this was a risky move. But we moved on the conviction that God was more important to us then our financial security.
Unable to keep up with mortgage payments, the bank prepared us for foreclosure. And for 2 1/2 years, we tried working with the bank to avoid and delay the foreclosure process. It was a miracle that we remained in our house for that length of time because when the market crashed in 2008, banks were foreclosing houses for even just a few months of late payments. But we knew God was with us, and for us. So we remained and waited on God to open doors for us to remodify our loans so we could save the house. We simply didn’t have anywhere else to go. It was a daily walk of faith. We held on to what He said, for it was all that we had. We couldn’t tell our family or ask for help even when in the midst of our financial hardship. This was what we felt the Lord had said when we prayed about our house:
1. Your second loan will be forgiven completely
2. Our first loan will be remodified (this will stop the foreclosure process under new loan term)
3. When this is in place, it is a sign that Huey will also have a full time employment.
All three promises did fulfill in the exact order. In fact, that second loan was forgiven just a few days before an adverse law was implemented, where taxes had to be paid on all forgiven loans, a large amount. We learned that God specifically did not provide Huey with a new and stable job that allowed us to resume payments and secure our house. Instead, He wanted His grace to go before us and made a way when there is no way.
It is more than a testimony and a story about our house. It is God’s glory in placing His people to intercede, heal and reconcile the people and land to Him. It’s about Kingdom purpose and value. Far more glorious.
Read more of Huey & Cac’s testimony and other stories at Bizcipleship.