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Trees to life


In March 2016 we held an Executive Intensive training in Paarl, a town about an hour from Cape Town. During the Place discussion our hosts, Danny and Garitha de Wit, walked us around the property. As our group came to the front of the house Danny lamented that a large oak tree, hundreds of years old, had to come down since it was diseased.

The Intensive participants decided we should pray for the tree. Some laid hands on it, others knelt, picked up the dirt and spoke life to it. Then we continued the Intensive.

About a week ago we received an email from one of the participants, Emile, who works at the venue/farm.

Hi Everyone,

Trust you are all well! I thought I should share these photos of the tree we prayed for during the rēp intensive – so amazing to see how it had the first leaves of all the trees on the farm a couple of weeks ago.

Tommy also noticed it earlier this week and reminded me of its significance!

Have a great weekend,


